Please read the following information before your registration:
Each full registration fee includes,
- Admission to all sessions (keynote/special sessions and technical sessions)
- Coffee breaks/Lunch
- Admission to the welcome reception
- One ticket for the banquet
- One copy of the program booklet
Each paper requires one full registration (even if all authors of the paper are students, i.e., a student registration does not cover any papers).
Student registration fee includes admission to all sessions (keynote/special sessions and technical sessions), coffee breaks, lunch, admission to the welcome reception, as well as one copy of the program booklet and one copy of the proceedings. Students are required to provide a copy of a valid ID that certifies their full-time student status (please send it to with subject: Student registration – Author Name – Paper ID), after completing your registration form online.
If you encounter any problem or question with the registration, please contact
Full Registration Rates: USD 600 or RMB 4100
Student Registration Rates: USD 300 or RMB 2050
No Paper Registration Rates: USD 150 or RMB 1000
By Wire Transfer:
NAME OF THE BANK: 中国工商银行股份有限公司北京成府路支行
ACCOUNT HOLDER: 北京电子商务交易技术国家工程实验室
Fiscal ID (纳税人识别号): 52110000MJ0158093Q
Bank Account no: 0200 0957 0920 0204 460
REF: NAME SURNAME + ICCSE2017 Registration (replace NAME and SURNAME with your full name or organization name).
1) The bank wire transfer and other related fees have to be paid by you.
2) After sending your registration payment by bank wire transfer, please scan the bank receipt and attach the PDF file in an email to:
Email: , and also complete the following registration form.
Email Subject: Payment NAME SURNAME(Note: Fill in NAME SURNAME with your full name or organization name, so that we will be able to match your payment with your registration entry).
Note: To facilitate the acknowledgement of your bank wire transfer payment, be sure to provide your complete name and organization name, details of amount paid, and other applicable information. Insufficient information will cause delays and difficulties.
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